Adelenta's Artistic Journey

About Me

Creativity has always been at the heart of my world, from childhood afternoons drawing with my granny to experimenting with makeshift watercolors and later selling art at the Main Street Festival in Fort Worth. Now based in Seattle, I am a multidisciplinary artist and community contributor who believes in the power of creativity to connect, heal, and transform. My work spans visual arts, movement, and music, with a focus on acrylic, pastel, colored pencil, metal, and ceramics. I am passionate about helping others embrace creative expression as a tool for growth and self-discovery. Whether in digital or physical spaces, my work is an invitation to create boldly and celebrate the beauty of process.

My Art Pieces Over the Years


Blog: Beyond the Frame

"Growing up, I didn’t always realize how much my granny’s influence would shape me. She wasn’t an artist in the traditional sense, but everything she did—whether it was shaping sand tart cookies, seasoning chicken in the kitchen, braiding hair, telling me stories of her life, or the way she displays things in her home—it's filled with care, sentiment, and creativity..."

How my Granny shaped my creative journey

Let's Work Together

Let’s connect, share ideas, and bring creative projects to life.

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